GAMS  1.2.2
Euler.h File Reference

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 Contains all GAMS-related tools, classes and code.
 Provides utility functions and classes for common tasks and needs.
 DEPRECATED: Provides classes here have been moved to gams::pose::euler.
 This namespace holds type tags used by the Euler class template to specify a Euler convention.


template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename Conv = conv::Intr>
using gams::utility::euler::Euler = gams::pose::euler::Euler< A, B, C, Conv >
 Class template for representing an angle in Euler notation. More...
typedef Euler< conv::X, conv::Y, conv::Z, conv::Extr > gams::utility::euler::EulerExtrXYZ
typedef Euler< conv::Y, conv::X, conv::Z, conv::Extr > gams::utility::euler::EulerExtrYXZ
typedef Euler< conv::Z, conv::Y, conv::X, conv::Extr > gams::utility::euler::EulerExtrZYX
typedef Euler< conv::X, conv::Y, conv::Z, conv::Intr > gams::utility::euler::EulerIntrXYZ
typedef Euler< conv::Y, conv::X, conv::Z, conv::Intr > gams::utility::euler::EulerIntrYXZ
typedef Euler< conv::Z, conv::Y, conv::X, conv::Intr > gams::utility::euler::EulerIntrZYX
typedef EulerIntrXYZ gams::utility::euler::EulerVREP
 The Euler convention used by VREP. More...
typedef Euler< conv::X, conv::Y, conv::Z > gams::utility::euler::EulerXYZ
typedef EulerIntrZYX gams::utility::euler::EulerYPR
 A commonly used Euler convention: Yaw-Pitch-Roll. More...
typedef Euler< conv::Y, conv::X, conv::Z > gams::utility::euler::EulerYXZ
typedef Euler< conv::Z, conv::Y, conv::X > gams::utility::euler::EulerZYX
typedef gams::pose::euler::conv::Extr gams::utility::euler::conv::Extr
typedef gams::pose::euler::conv::Intr gams::utility::euler::conv::Intr
typedef EulerExtrXYZ gams::utility::euler::RollPitchYaw
 The most common vernacular usage of roll, pitch and yaw. More...
typedef gams::pose::euler::conv::X gams::utility::euler::conv::X
typedef gams::pose::euler::conv::Y gams::utility::euler::conv::Y
typedef EulerYPR gams::utility::euler::YawPitchRoll
 A commonly used Euler convention: Yaw-Pitch-Roll. More...
typedef gams::pose::euler::conv::Z gams::utility::euler::conv::Z