GAMS  1.2.2
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NgamsContains all GAMS-related tools, classes and code
 NalgorithmsProvides algorithms and infrastructure for autonomy
 Narea_coverageProvides algorithms specialized in area coverage
 NjavaProvides Java algorithms support
 NauctionsProvides mechanisms for distributed auctions
 NcontrollersProvides controllers for managing autonomy and execution
 NelectionsProvides voting mechanisms for distributed elections
 NformationsProvides convenience classes for formations
 NgroupsProvides infrastructure for managing distributed groups
 NloggersProvides knowledge logging services to files and terminals
 NmapsProvides map-related functions
 NplatformsProvides platform abstractions for hardware and simulations
 NdronerkProvides bindings to Drone-RK (no longer supported)
 NjavaProvides infrastructure for Java-based platforms
 NrosProvides infrastructure for ROS-based platforms
 NvrepProvides infrastructure for VREP-based platforms
 NposeProvides position and orientation primitives
 NcartesianContains frame translation functions for Cartesian reference frames
 NdetailProvides underlying pose classes that provide infrastructure for higher level pose-related functions
 NeulerProvides support for Euler tools for positions and orientations
 NconvThis namespace holds type tags used by the Euler class template to specify a Euler convention
 NgpsContains functions for translating GPS frames
 NimplPrivate implementation details
 NorderProvides support for ordering reference-frame inputss
 Nsimple_rotateFor internal use
 NunitsType tags to indicate the dimension a coordinate lies within
 NprogramsProvides source for certain non-test-related programs
 NtimeProvides time-related tools and mechanisms
 NutilityProvides utility functions and classes for common tasks and needs
 NeulerDEPRECATED: Provides classes here have been moved to gams::pose::euler
 NconvThis namespace holds type tags used by the Euler class template to specify a Euler convention
 NjavaProvides utility functions and classes for common Java tasks and needs
 NorderDEPRECATED: Provides classes here have been moved to gams::pose::order
 NvariablesProvides MADARA containers for GAMS-related entities and information