GAMS  1.4.0
gams::pose::gps Namespace Reference

Contains functions for translating GPS frames. More...

Detailed Description

Contains functions for translating GPS frames.

In GPS frames, positions are represented as GPS coordinates, and an altitude, assuming a spherical Earth: x is Latitude y is Longitude z is Altitude (above assumed perfectly spherical surface) Orientations represented in Axis Angle notation Axis rx points towards north pole Axis ry points east at current position Axis rz points downwards (i.e, reverse normal vector)

Note that under this scheme, change in x and/or y position, while maintaining the same orientation angles, implies a rotation relative to the planet.

Distances at same altitude calculated as distance along great circle of sphere of radius EARTH_RADIUS plus altitude. If altitude differs, great circle distance first calculated using lower of two altitudes, then distance calculated as follows: distance = sqrt(circle_distance ^ 2 + altitude_difference ^ 2)

This frame can have cartesian frames embedded within it, but cannot be embedded within any other frames at this time.